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Our Listening and God's Listening

The Kaleid Team

Dear Kaleid Ladies,

It is Inauguration Day. However you feel about the political powers that will be coming or going on this day, at Kaleid we sense a holy and unique invitation in this moment.

Part of our desire at Kaleid is to resource you to know how to embody what is true about loving yourself, others, and God. Right now, we can respond to ongoing frustration and fear at a national level by embodying (doing with our physical bodies) that which will lead us toward truth, love, and healing.

One thing we can do with our physical selves is to take time to listen. It’s easy to dismiss voices and arguments when there are so many and when they are so loud. Over the next few weeks, we want to take the opportunity to literally pause and listen to some of the voices of wisdom and prophetic witness speaking from within the Church. We have an opportunity to foster trust by humbly listening to faithful, godly leaders.

With that in mind, we will be sharing resources from Jesus-followers with challenging things to say. It can be tough to listen to those who know us well and who have hard words, so remember that we are doing this with each other. Your Kaleid community is committed to processing these things over time, together.

Another way to embody what is true in this moment is to carve out time and assume a posture of prayer, remembering that God listens, too. For the people of God, prayer has always included a wide variety of expressions...lament, consecration, praise, intercession, repentance, silence, even dancing. Now is the time for us to offer ourselves in prayer.

Here is a beautiful resource on praying in this intense moment in our national life from Arrabon. Could you take 20 minutes today and move through the four parts of this prayer guide? What if there were Kaleid ladies all over Atlanta quieting ourselves and coming to God in this way, on this day? The thought is beautiful.

Or, you may simply consider bowing your head in prayer and offering these words from the Book of Common Prayer: “Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: In might, spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and forever. Amen.”

Through physically listening and physically praying, we gain entry to a Spirit-led cycle of engagement, whereby we come into deeper awareness of ourselves, of others, and of God’s work and presence in our land.

May we be humble women who listen and pray together, on this most important day.

Blessings, dear ones!


The Kaleid Team



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